"FIRST EDITION" is stated on the center of the copyright page with full number line "10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1" on the bottom. The first printing has misprint on p. 25, line 16 ("man-woman" instead of "madwoman"). The misprint has been observed on second and third printings and is therefore believed to be on all first printings. The back of the first issue dust jacket has 4 reviews - by Kaye Gibbons, Rick Bass, Ann Beattie and Willie Morris. A sticker with a review by John Berendt was attached to the front panel of some first issue jackets, but it is not considered an issue point because some copies had this affixed on publication day, while others did not. The Berendt review was eventually added as a fifth review to the back of dust jackets issued with books around 16th printing.
A signed limited edition of 500 copies was also issued, but the copyright page on these books specifically states "LIMITED EDITION" rather than "FIRST EDITION".
Note: there is a book club edition that states FIRST EDITION. but it lacks a number line, and the typo is fixed.
Cold Mountain won the National Book Award.
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